Kali Linux 2020.4 – Security Check OS



Kali Linux 2020.4   is a platform running on the Debian Jesse operating system used to exploit computers to detect vulnerabilities . It comes with 100+ hacking tests, including statistical analysis, WIFI hacking, and reverse engineering. Group of tools And various display menus for more convenient and flexible use…

Kali is based on Linux, but is suitable for all versions of Windows.
Kali contains a wide range of hacker tools and utilities (password attacks, sniffing and spoofing, reverse engineering, etc.). Foreign WiFi/WLAN attacks (wireless attacks) and more. Kali is designed for digital forensics and penetration testing.
Kali comes pre-installed with many penetration testing programs, including nmap (port scanner), Wireshark (packet analyzer), John the Ripper (password cracker) and Aircrack-ng (software suite). wireless LAN test). Kali can be run from a hard disk, a live DVD, or a live USB.

The most advanced penetration testing distro ever.
Kali, the most advanced and flexible penetration testing distribution ever created. Kali has grown far beyond its humble origins as a live DVD and is now a full-fledged operating system.
Kali Linux 2020.4 comes with several new tools:
Metasploit Framework v6 (a tool for developing and performing exploits against remote target machines)
CertGraph (a tool for collecting certificate Altname graph data)
Apple bleee (a tool to get information about nearby iPhones – device name, OS version, phone number, etc. – by evaluating Bluetooth traffic)
dnscat2 (a tool for creating encrypted C&C channels over DNS)
FinalRecon (an automated web snooping tool)
goDoH (a Command and Control framework that uses DNS-over-HTTPS)
hostapd-mana (a rogue access point)
Whatmask (a program that helps in setting up the network)

Kali NetHunter  , the distro's mobile platform, has a new settings menu for easier backup and restore of configuration files and a module that ensures the persistence of the Magisk Android root system.
Win-KeX 2.5  , which provides the Kali Desktop Experience for the Windows Subsystem for Linux, comes with a new Enhanced Session Mode for ARM devices and several other tweaks.

Download ISO Kali Linux 2020.4

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